On the 3rd of May 2016 at the headquarters of the Florence Chamber of Commerce, the designated working group met in order to put in place the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) for the Global Pound Conference event (GPC) set to take place in May 2017. Representatives who attended the meeting came from various Italian organizations such as the Consiglio nazionale delle Ricerche – Instituto di Teorie and the Tecniche del’Informazione Giuridica (CNR-ITTIG), the Florence Municipality, the Association of Notaries of Florence Pistoia and Prato, the Florence Bar Association, the Florence Accountants Association, the Florence Court as well as the University of Florence. The theme of the Florence Global Pound conference will discuss “dispute resolution and improving access to justice”. Throughout the meeting the LOC discussed, arranged and defined the presentation of the initiative, the activity program of the event as well as defined and designated roles to members of the LOC found in the GPC guide lines.
The LOC has the following tasks and functions: to organize the event in the designated city, including financial aspects, logistics as well as first aid; to liaise and coordinating with the designated event speakers; to choose to include other core questions along with those required; to promote the event locally as well as to procure the necessary financing to ensure the smooth running of the event. The first official Florence Global Pound Conference meeting was a great success, ensuring the functionality and progress in the organization of this prestigious event.